
What’s happening in Washington today is ridiculous.

It is ridiculous that the Democrats have abused the impeachment process for political gain.

It is ridiculous that we have delayed critically items like the USMCA to play political games.

It is ridiculous that one political party refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.

If you think it’s time for Congress to stop with the sham impeachment and to start doing its damn job, I hope you can help our campaign today.

Please join our team by making a donation of $20.20 today so we have the resources needed to defend President Trump and help Republicans win up and down the ballot next year.

This is going to be the most consequential election in our lifetimes. And the differences between the parties could not be clearer.

President Trump and the Republicans in Washington have created the strongest economy our nation has ever seen. Unemployment is at record lows and the stock market has never been higher. We have begun construction of the wall and secured our border, protecting millions of Americans in the process. 

But the Democrats want to dump Trump so they can pass their socialist agenda. They want to raise taxes on the Middle Class so they can ram through single payer healthcare, free college for rich kids, and the Green New Deal.

Those policies will destroy the economy and the progress we’ve made.

Help me fight back and stand with President Trump by making a donation of $20.20 today.

With so much at risk, your help is needed now more than ever.


Team Braun

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Paid for by Mike Braun for Indiana