Friend --

My mom has always been a fighter. From the front lines of the movement for affordable health care when I was growing up to the debate stage in 2016 and now, to the work she’s doing through Onward Together, she has been a champion for all of us who believe that this country can and should be a better and kinder place.

One week from today, our champion turns 75 years old -- and we’re celebrating by putting together a card with notes from supporters like you. Will you add your name and well-wishes to my mom’s birthday card before the 26th?

My mom has always surrounded herself with the people who share her values of equality, democracy, and compassion. There’s a reason that her campaign slogan in 2016 was “Stronger Together,” after all. So many of you have been on this team for years, and I know it will mean the world to her to hear from you.

Sign the card

Thank you,

Chelsea Clinton

P.S. Looking for another way to celebrate? Make a donation now to support more than a dozen Onward Together partner organizations, and get a free sticker as a thank you.


Onward Together
PO Box 5256
New York, NY 10185
United States

Contributions or gifts to Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions.

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