Dear John,

I hope you are having a good autumn.  As you have been reading over the past few weeks, Outright has been making progress on LGBTIQ rights at the United Nations General Assembly, and working with local partners from Kenya to St. Lucia to Indonesia, to launch innovative, necessary programs like LBQ Connect.  And, Outright is planning for the future.  Our vision is bold and necessary: to protect and uplift at-risk LGBTIQ people by radically accelerating legal and social change in countries and regions around the world.  We still have a long way to go to achieve our vision, but like you, we are determined to keep demanding change globally, no matter how long it takes.

I write today because October 17-23 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, and a perfect time to think about your long-term vision for LGBTIQ communities everywhere.  In 2020, Outright launched our first planned giving program - the Outstanding Legacy Circle - for supporters who want to invest in a long-term vision for LGBTIQ equality by including Outright in their estate plans.  Generous supporters have pledged to make Outright a beneficiary of their will, retirement plan, life insurance, trust, or other assets, thereby guaranteeing that Outright will be positioned to show up when and where we are most needed.  I am proud to share that, in just two short years, more than 60 supporters have joined the Outstanding Legacy Circle.  Will you consider joining them today?

Did you know that nearly 70% of Americans do not have an up-to-date will?  Many people assume they are too young, not wealthy enough, or believe it will be too complicated or expensive.  However, making a plan for your property and assets is for everyone and can be relatively simple.  Creating or updating a will can help you protect and take care of loved ones and pets, ensure that your wishes are honored, and provide significant support for causes you care about. 

Planned giving can offer significant tax benefits and may even create an income stream for you and your family while supporting Outright and other vital organizations.  A gift to Outright from your estate—whatever the amount, and whether it is expendable or for endowment—is entirely free from US federal estate taxes.  This means we're able to use the full amount of the bequest, whereas if it were left to an individual, a significant amount might go to US federal estate taxes.  Also, bequests generally are not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes.  Tax benefits and estate planning requirements may vary country by country.

For many donors, creating a will allows us to develop a plan for our family, consider what causes are nearest to our hearts, and dream about leaving a legacy to reflect our values - a legacy perhaps much greater than we can achieve through our annual giving.  I hope you will consider Outright’s future as you think about yours. 

This week, we’ll be sharing stories from Outstanding Legacy Circle members across Outright’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.  I know you will enjoy hearing from them about why they have chosen to include Outright in their estate plans.  I also invite you to contact me with questions or to get started.  Outright works closely and regularly with donors to honor their personal situation, needs and charitable goals and we’d love to hear from you.  

In solidarity and with deep gratitude for your support,

Katie Hultquist 
Director of Leadership Giving
Outright International

P.S. In addition to legacy gifts, your annual giving sustains our work every day.  Did you know that $25 provides 60 minutes of capacity-building support for an LGBTIQ front-line human rights defender?  Please consider making a donation to support our global programs in 2022!

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