Aloha Friend,
Did you see Josh’s 10-point plan to reduce homelessness in Hawaii?
Homelessness is one of the biggest challenges facing our communities across Hawaii. That’s why we need a governor with a plan ready to take action on day one — a governor like Dr. Josh Green.
Watch Josh’s ad on homelessness here, and see how a leader can bring back hope.
If you support Josh’s commitment to reducing homelessness, please chip in $20 to help bring trusted, caring leadership to the governor’s office.
Mahalo for your support,
Team Green
Aloha Friend,
Today Dr. Josh Green released his plan to address homelessness in Hawaii.
“I believe we can reduce homelessness in Hawaii by more than 50% over the next four years,” Josh said, “and effectively eliminate chronic homelessness as we currently experience it in our state by 2030.
Nani Medeiros, Executive Director of HomeAid Hawaii, praised Green’s work on homelessness and questioned his opponent’s lack of policy details and preparation on the issue.
“Josh Green has been one of the biggest champions for our homeless neighbors in Hawaii,” Medeiros said, “and his tireless efforts to make housing a healthcare issue and his work building clinics and homes for the houseless community have set the standard for leadership on this issue in our state. Our next governor needs to have a plan ready to address homelessness on day one, and Josh is the only candidate who has done the necessary work to prepare.”
Josh's plan calls for building as many as ten additional “kauhale” communities statewide, expanding access to clinics for the homeless as well as mental health and drug treatment services, and deploying “lift zones” across the state — provisions intended to help the homeless transition to permanent housing while receiving healthcare and other services.
With just over three weeks until election day on November 8 and mail-in ballots reaching voters as early as tomorrow, the opposing ticket has offered voters no specific plan addressing homelessness.
“Homelessness is one of the biggest challenges facing Hawaii,” Josh said, “and voters deserve to know if the candidates for governor are prepared to lead the state on this issue.”
Read Josh's full 10-point plan to address homelessness here.
Team Green