
Our FEC deadline is days away, but we’re looking ahead to two really important things we expect to happen in early January:

  1. Considering our current lead in the polls, we anticipate McConnell’s attack machine will launch a new round of attack ads with the intent of tearing down our campaign;

  2. Our leadership team will meet to evaluate our finances and make some important decisions about what we can do -- and what we cannot do -- in the next few weeks to win this election.

On top of all that, we have to report our fundraising numbers publicly to the FEC soon -- and we need to file a strong report!

The strength of this campaign is built on a whole lot of folks giving what they can to support John and our team. We don’t take money from corporate PACs, and, unlike our opponent, we don’t have a right-wing billionaire network waiting in the wings to buy this election (nor would we want one!).

That’s why we need to ask:

Can you add your donation of $10 or more to John Hickenlooper’s grassroots campaign for Senate? Colorado is our best chance to flip one of the four seats we need to take back the Senate, which is why we’re counting on your support today.

Thanks for adding your donation today. It means a lot to John and our team.

— Team Hick