From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject Michelle Malkin: "'s Survival Is Paramount!"
Date December 28, 2019 10:29 PM
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! Michelle Malkin: "'s Survival Is Paramount"

This year end, celebrates 20 years of America First
journalism, focused on patriotic immigration reform and American
national identity. We are proud to have been the voice of the Historic
American Nation for these past two decades and, thanks to your support,
we will continue to amplify that message for many decades to come. informs the fight to keep America American. We push back
against the tyranny of Open Borders and the Left's drive to "Elect A
New People."

And we've only just started. Now we need a little help from our
friends to cross the finish line.

Speaking of friends, we are honored to receive a message of hope from
one of the true heroines of 2019: America First champion Michelle

Michelle famously kicked off the year by delivering a barn-burner of a
speech on the CPAC stage, attacking the gatekeepers of Conservatism,
Inc. and vowing to defend and protect those Conservatism Inc. has purged
and vilified.

And she has stayed true to her word.

More recently, Michelle's explicit defense of the young Groypers and
her refusal to apologize or disavow patriots deemed dangerous by
cuckservatives servile to the donor class, resulted in the severing of
her relationship with Young America's Foundation (YAF).

Michelle, like, has only begun to fight, and we are
strengthened by heavy hitters like Michelle on our side.

You can watch Michelle Malkin's celebration of VDARE20 at our YouTube
channel here

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In it, she says:

"Merry Christmas. I want to extend my warm congratulations to Peter
Brimelow and the staff of on the 20th anniversary of one of
the most consequential websites on the Internet.

"I first started reading Peter Brimelow's reporting in

**Forbes**while a cub editorial writer in Los Angeles in the mid-1990s.
Peter's thorough investigative journalism in both

**The Worm in the Apple**and

**Alien Nation** greatly influenced my own work. I remember well the
backlash to

**Alien Nation**from the usual Open Borders suspects, especially the

**Wall Street Journal**. De-personing and disavowing may be new to the
Generation Z nationalists who've taken up the cause. But Peter and have been battling the Cancel Cult and gatekeepers for two

"For fun, I scrolled through the 1,100-plus posts listed in my author
archive on and found the first three: a link to my syndicated
column in February 2002 on religious worker visa fraud in mosques, a
column on the INS whistleblowers who exposed the Catch And Release
policies that allowed illegal alien and D.C. sniper Lee Malvo to remain
the country, and a column on the media whitewash of the black-on-white
Wichita Kansas massacre in the fall of 2002. When I launched my own
eponymous blog in 2004, was on my original blogroll must-read
links and remained there to the chagrin of the SPLC and Conservatism
Inc. There are too many indispensable contributors to mention, but
I've been a longtime fan of Brenda Walker, Juan Mann, Joe Guzzardi,
Allan Wall, James Kirkpatrick, John Derbyshire, Federale, and Washington
Watcher. I rely on the site to get unparalleled news, commentary, on the
ground reports, data, and insider scoops all focused on the National
Question that no one else dares publish.

"I will be forever indebted to Peter for his generous review of

**Invasion** and friendship over the years. We tag-teamed for a
memorable debate against Frank Sharry and his ilk in New York City at
some hoity-toity donor-class event in 2002. 17 years later, Peter and
Lydia were with me to unwind after my CPAC speech calling out
Conservatism Inc. to its bloated, traitorous face - two decades in the
making. Thank you, Peter, for your patience and good cheer throughout.

" is more important than ever as it turns 20 because a vigorous
new generation of twentysomethings is rising in revolt against
Conservatism Inc and Open Borders Inc. Your impact can be seen as young
nationalists echo exactly the principles that undergird

* America is a real homeland, not just a credal proposition.

* Demography is destiny. And, of course, diversity is not our strength.

* America's historic and cultural identity matter.

"With Silicon Valley and the Swamp uniting to purge their hallowed
platforms and stages of patriotic dissidents, VDARE's survival as a
central clearinghouse for the Old Guard and for newcomers is paramount.
To readers old and new, thank you for your independence, curiosity, and
support. May the next 20 years of VDARE be as
fruitful as the last."


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