Dear Friend,

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is celebrating our 60th anniversary!

Thanks to supporters like you, it has been 60 years of seeing massive victories and progress in the fight to end sexual abuse and exploitation. What better way to celebrate this occasion than to continue that progress? 

We've compiled a list of 60 things you can do to keep turning the tide against sexual exploitation. 

1. Keep the legacy of NCOSE going with a gift of $60, $600, or $6,000!

Your donation has a huge impact, and is the reason we can do this work!


See the full list of 60 ways you can help, for ideas of:

  • Activities you can do with your family
  • Ways you can help your local community
  • Ways you can support survivors
  • The best resources to educate yourself

As well as quick 60 second action forms you can complete to: 

  • Ask companies to stop facilitating sexual exploitation
  • Thank companies that have taken positive action to combat sexual exploitation
  • Ask legislators to pass laws that promote human dignity and create systemic change

We are immensely grateful for your partnership in this fight! Together, we will build a world where people can live and love free of sexual abuse and exploitation.



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