This is one of those moments in history

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Dear John,

Will you be there with us for human rights in 2020?

This past year, with your support, Amnesty International has been on the front lines of the most pressing human rights struggles of our time.

Will you show up with us
for human rights in 2020?


As we look to the many challenges ahead in 2020, your support is urgently needed to ensure the full force of our research, activism. and solidarity is there when it is most needed.

I hope you will give generously today to champion human rights in Canada and around the world.

Thank you so much. If you have already made a donation, thank you. Please share this message with your family and friends. Your support is what makes our work possible.

With deep appreciation,

Alex Neve
Secretary General
Amnesty International Canada

P.S. Amnesty International's vital work to protect human rights around the world depends solely on donations from supporters like you. We do not accept any government funding. Please be sure to make your tax-creditable gift to Amnesty International before midnight December 31st. Donate now.




