We don’t want clicks. We want to save the world. Can you help us today?
Common Dreams Home Page


Common Dreams has never been stronger or more widely read.

Traffic for our nonprofit news site is way up—higher than it’s ever been. But while we rank among the top news and opinion outlets on the internet, because we run zero advertisements, accept no sponsorships, and have erected no paywall—it means that we still depend on readers' generosity to keep us going and fund our work.

In fact, because we license our content Creative Commons, many other for-profit and ad-driven outlets around the web re-post our work on their sites where they build traffic and sow the monetary rewards. That doesn’t bother us—we are glad our efforts are spread far and wide and we want as many people to read our content as possible—but it also makes our point.

For our media model to work—and for us to grow and thrive—we need those who do read and value our work to chip in when they can. Our End-of-Year campaign has just three days left and we still must raise $50,000.

We don’t want clicks. We want to save the world. Can you help us today? We need you now more than ever. We’ve never been stronger, but we can only keep up the momentum with your crucial support.

With thanks and in solidarity,

Jon Queally
Managing Editor
for the whole Common Dreams news team

P.S. Your tax-deductible year-end donation will be matched by a generous donor.

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Common Dreams, PO Box 443, Portland, ME 04112, USA

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