Biden's Iranian Nuclear Obsession
by Con Coughlin • October 19, 2022 at 5:00 am
If US President Joe Biden really is "gravely concerned" about the plight of Iranian schoolgirls being attacked and killed by Iran's authoritarian regime, then the best way to help them would be to abandon his ill-considered attempt to broker a new nuclear deal with Tehran.
The death toll is now said to have passed the 200 mark, with many of the fatalities reported to be children as young as 11 years old.
Consequently, Mr Biden's response is being seen as little more than a token gesture....
Rather than holding the Iranian regime to account for its atrocious conduct, Mr Biden's priority remains to secure another flawed nuclear deal with Tehran, one that would result in enabling Iran to have nuclear weapons with no prohibition on the missiles to deliver them, as well as the lifting of punitive economic sanctions and up to a trillion dollars in additional revenues to "export the revolution."
If, as now seems increasingly likely, the White House commits to a new nuclear deal once next month's midterm elections are out of the way, the US Congress will be in Christmas recess and therefore unable to block it.
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), designated by the US as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, together with all the other instruments of state-sponsored oppression in Iran, would receive extra funding dollars once the sanctions are lifted that will enable them to further develop their hostile activities.
Iran has already destroyed four Arab countries in addition to its own: Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.
The Biden administration's intransigence on the Iran issue also helps to explain the recent decision by Saudi Arabia to reach an agreement to reduce oil production....
The Saudis remain frustrated by Mr Biden's obsession with trying to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which to the kingdom is a mortal threat.... How could Biden have expected them to help him?
Biden seems to be threatening "consequences" for the Saudis because they are trying try to prevent Iran from annihilating them?
Iran is also now supplying Russia with hundreds of "kamikaze" drones and lethal missiles which Russia is using to target civilians and destroy Ukraine -- all while Biden has been relying on Russia to negotiate the Iran nuclear deal on America's behalf: US negotiators are even not allowed in the room.
Consequently, rather than making the world a safer place, Mr Biden's pro-Iran stance is merely fanning the flames of even greater global instability.

If US President Joe Biden really is "gravely concerned" about the plight of Iranian schoolgirls being attacked and killed by Iran's authoritarian regime, then the best way to help them would be to abandon his ill-considered attempt to broker a new nuclear deal with Tehran.
In a rare public comment on the latest wave of anti-government protests against Iran's despotic rulers, Biden conceded:
"I remain gravely concerned about reports of the intensifying violent crackdown on peaceful protesters in Iran, including students and women, who are demanding their equal rights and basic human dignity."
The comments are meant to demonstrate that Mr Biden is taking the protests seriously, in contrast to the Obama administration's indifference to the Green Movement in 2009, when Washington kept its distance as the Iranian regime crushed the most serious challenge to its authority since the 1979 Islamic revolution.