Fellow American,

I just stepped off the stage, and WOW – you can really feel the excitement building as we head into the last 20 DAYS of this race!

Jahana Hayes reminded constituents to vote for her because she has a proven track record. But her so-called ‘proven’ track record has led to record-high inflation, increased crime, and unprecedented power grabs. And let’s not forget, she votes with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time!

Hayes is not voting on behalf of the people she was elected to serve – she is voting for a liberal elitist agenda and yet still believes she has earned your vote.

Nonetheless, our momentum is growing faster than I could have ever imagined. We really have a chance to bring the GOP back to Connecticut AND take back the House.

But after tonight, national Democrats will also catch wind of our momentum and see us as a threat to their SLIM majority.

To help prepare for their attacks and the pools of money they will pour into these final three weeks, I need to count on your help now. Please, use the link below and give what you can today – even if it’s just $5!


I sincerely appreciate your support as we head into the final stretch.

All my best,
George S. Logan


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