In just over 72 hours, John will take the stage alongside some of the biggest names in the presidential race, including three U.S. senators, three current and former congressional representatives, a f
Hickenlooper 2020 |


In just over 72 hours, John will take the stage alongside some of the biggest names in the presidential race, including three U.S. senators, three current and former congressional representatives, a fellow governor, a mayor and a bestselling author.

But even on a stage full of well-known people with big ideas, we’re confident that John will stand out. John has more than just ideas—he has experience and real plans to move our country forward.

That’s what makes John the right person for this job. From passing comprehensive gun safety legislation in a purple state to making long-acting reversible birth control accessible to all women in Colorado, John is the only candidate in this race with a proven track record of accomplishing progressive goals.

We know John is a strong candidate, and he’s gained traction in recent polls—but we’re running out of time to grow this support. This debate is a turning point, and once John walks off stage we’ll really be in the thick of primary season.

This race is only getting more competitive—and we need your help to make sure John is a frontrunner. Even $1 can ensure make John’s message is heard. Can you chip in now?

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Thank you,

Michael Toppen
Finance Associate
Hickenlooper 2020





Paid for by Hickenlooper 2020

PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

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