From Joe Trippi <[email protected]>
Subject the state of the race in Alabama
Date December 28, 2019 8:52 PM
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I’m sure you saw the most recent update that the Cook Political Report has our race as a “toss up." And by now I’m sure you know that we’ve got our next big deadline on Tuesday at midnight.

It might seem like these deadlines come and go pretty often without consequence – and in some races, you’d be right. But when it comes to Doug Jones and his re-election campaign, I can assure you that every dollar is being spent on winning this election, and that recent developments in the race have made this deadline the most important one so far.

Keep Doug In The Senate [[link removed]]
Remember: we’re in a strong position, but we have to keep up the pressure. Here’s the state of the race right now:

- More and more Alabama voters are moving out of the “undecided” column and supporting Doug. This is where the race will be won or lost. The bottom line? One Alabama is working. Help us spread the word >>

- For those of you who thought Jeff Sessions would run away with this thing, it’s clearly not the case. Our data shows that not only is Sessions facing a tough primary, but that Doug is in a great spot to win this thing in November.

- Our resume is better than anyone’s – and it’s even better given how Doug closed the year in Washington:
-Won increased family leave for federal workers
-Ended the Widow’s Tax
-Made it easier for students to apply for financial aid
-Permanently funded Historically Black Colleges and Universities
-Funded gun research through the CDC for the first time in decades

Let’s make sure we keep winning in 2020. Please chip in today and let Doug know you’ve got his back.

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Joe Trippi

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4500 5th Ave S, Building L, Birmingham, AL 35222
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