2019 showed us over and over how unfit Donald Trump is to lead this country.

Team --

It’s hard to believe 2019 is almost over. I usually spend most of my time looking forward, but this year deserves a look back -- at the good, the bad, the ugly.

The ugly is obvious. 2019 showed us over and over how unfit Donald Trump is to lead this country. We saw children locked in cages at the border and how people were denied their right to seek asylum here. We watched him roll back Obama-era regulations designed to keep our air and water clean and combat climate change. We witnessed him spout racist comments about four congresswomen of color. And of course, he committed impeachable offenses along the way.

Luckily, 2019 is coming to an end -- and in 2020, we can replace Donald Trump and start righting the wrongs he’s done, as well as wrongs that existed long before he took office.

Will you chip in to my campaign right now to help make sure we not only kick Trump out of the White House but start the hard work of fixing some of our country’s most persistent problems?

2019 wasn’t all bad though.

Early on this year, I got to stand by my mom as I signed the papers to officially launch my candidacy for president -- a moment I’ll never ever forget.

I’ve spent 11 months traveling across this country, meeting folks from every walk of life. The whole experience has only strengthened my belief that we all have way more in common than we think; that the ties that bind us are so much stronger than the lines that divide us; and that if we rekindle our sense of common purpose, we can come together to achieve things others say are impossible.

I know all of that may sound overly sentimental to some, but it’s the holidays, team. If there’s ever a moment to get a little emotional about new possibilities, it’s now.

But I’m not blind to reality. I know the road ahead for an underdog campaign like ours won’t be easy. Thanks to you, we have a path to winning this nomination and beating Donald Trump. And with your help, I know that we can pull off something incredible.

We’re closing in on our grassroots goal -- just $260,790 away with three days to go. Make a donation before the end of 2019, and let’s start 2020 with resolve to make it a historic year.









Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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