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Animated GIF featuring a laptop rotating infographics of the five ways secret money gets into U.S. elections.

5 Ways Secret Money Makes Its Way Into Our Elections

As we’re sending this newsletter, many Americans across the country have already made their voices heard through early voting and mail-in voting. But secret spending by wealthy special interests (also known as dark money) is depriving voters of the information they need to make informed choices during the midterm elections. Secret money also makes our electoral system vulnerable to corruption and manipulation, as CLC’s Simone Leeper found out in season one of our podcast, Democracy Decoded.

Voters across partisan and demographic lines overwhelmingly support laws that promote greater transparency around election spending, and we the people have a right to know who is spending big money to influence our vote. Here’s a look at five ways wealthy special interests are injecting secret money into U.S. election.

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Campaign finance experts held an in-depth conversation about all the ways secret money is getting into our elections during a recent Twitter Spaces conversation.

Listen to it here.
Voters cast their ballots at a long line of polling machines in a gym.

The Damage of Frivolous Mass Challenges to Voter Eligibility

This widespread effort to undermine confidence in elections is preventing eligible citizens from exercising their freedom to vote. States must take action. 

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Election workers count ballots in 2020.

Midterms 2022: Machine Tabulation Should Be Used To Count Ballots

Replacing voting machines with hand counts as the main way to count our votes would introduce a greater degree of human error into the process. 

Read more.
Animated GIF of the five panelists of CLC’s recent SCOTUS Watch event, including CLC’s Trevor Potter, Paul Smith and Aseem Mulji plus special guests Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Helen White of Protect Democracy.

EVENT VIDEO: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Weighs In on the New Supreme Court Term

On September 28, CLC hosted “SCOTUS Watch: What the Upcoming Supreme Court Term Means for Democracy” to discuss how the Court has been reversing decades of precedent regarding democracy law, and preview what these trends mean for democracy cases in the Court’s upcoming term. CLC’s Trevor Potter, Paul Smith and Aseem Mulji were joined by special guests Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who discussed the impact of secret spending on the Court, and Helen White of Protect Democracy.
The abstract, title-focused art for CLC’s Democracy Decoded podcast, featuring shades of red and blue.
Coming Soon: Democracy Decoded Season Two!

Debuting November 15, the new season examines voting in America and how we can become a nation where the ballot box is truly accessible to all.

Catch up on the first season and subscribe to Democracy Decoded now.

Legislation Tracker

The month of September saw major developments for three pieces of legislation CLC is watching closely.
A long curved desk, behind which are sitting the FEC commissioners and their staff

CLC Action Sues FEC for Failing to Enforce Federal Election Law

The American people deserve a Federal Election Commission that can enforce campaign finance laws and hold violators accountable.

Read more.
A map of the United States from CLC’s State Scorecard report. Each state has a color that corresponds to how accessible or restricted its voting laws are compared to last year.

REPORT: CLC Grades Vote-By-Mail and Early Voting Access in All 50 States

States should be working to expand vote-by-mail and early voting opportunities so that every voter can make their voice heard without barriers. 

CLC On Social

What Our Staff Talked About On Twitter This Month
Tweet by Valencia Richardson. Click on image to view original tweet on Twitter.
Update by Jonathan Diaz. Click on image to view original update on LinkedIn.
Tweet by Gicola Lane. Click on image to view original tweet on Twitter.
Tweet by Elizabeth Shimek. Click on image to view original tweet on Twitter.
Click on the image to engage with the content and follow our legal experts online. 
Campaign Legal Center is advancing democracy through law.
The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center is dedicated to advancing democracy through law at the federal, state and local levels, fighting for every American’s rights to responsive government and a fair opportunity to participate in and affect the democratic process.

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