Extreme, Expensive, and UnnecessaryDearJohn ,Election Day is less than a month away, and with so much on the line, it’s imperative that you vote in this year’s election.You hav
Extreme, Expensive, and Unnecessary

DearJohn ,


Election Day is less than a month away, and with so much on the line, it’s imperative that you vote in this year’s election.

You have likely heard about Prop. 1 – the state’s attempt to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution.


Prop. 1 is extreme, expensive, and unnecessary. 


It will allow late-term abortions up to moments before birth, even on healthy moms and healthy babies, and the cost to taxpayers for abortions will be in the hundreds of millions.

If Prop. 1 passes, our ability to advocate for life and dignity in California will be almost entirely diminished.

If we are successful in defeating Prop. 1, abortion law will stay the same in CA. But if Prop. 1 passes, it will legalize unlimited late-term abortions, which we know 79% of Californians don't want.


This is why it is VITAL that you vote this November.


If you are a registered voter, you have already received or will be receiving your mail-in ballot soon. 


Please don’t delay in voting “No” on Prop. 1.  


And for those who aren’t, THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER! 

Click here to register to vote, and please use the links to the materials below to get out the word about Prop. 1 through your social channels and by word of mouth. 


Thank you for your faithfulness, and may Mary, our Holy Mother, intercede for us in this time of need. 




In Prayer for our State, 

The Bishops of California 

Paid for by California Catholic Conference, Inc.

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