From CUFI Action Fund <[email protected]>
Subject A Third Intifada?
Date October 18, 2022 6:53 PM
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A new terror group has emerged in the West Bank, and they are mixing
traditional guerilla warfare tactics with the longstanding inhumanity of
Palestinian terrorism. They are dangerous, organized and their actions
may very well spark a Third Intifada.

Who Are The Lion's Den?

As early as mid-August, The Lion's Den (TLD) became known to the West
as a result of Palestinian media reports and a rally the group held for
two terrorists killed fighting with Israeli forces operating in Judea
and Samaria. Since then, the terrorist group has engaged in several
shooting and IED attacks against Israelis, killing an Israeli soldier
and wounding innocent civilians. And in early September, the Israeli
National Police apprehended a TLD-affiliated terrorist seeking to commit
a significant terror attack in Tel Aviv. When he was arrested, the
terrorist was carrying a rifle and two IED's.

The Israeli security establishment believes TLD is made up of a few
dozen terrorists, many of whom were formally affiliated with Hamas, the
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade. The
Israelis likely know a great deal more about the group as they've both
engaged in military operations against the group and have ensured that
well over 100 relatives of the terrorists are not allowed entry into

A Third Intifada?

A small group of hyper-radicalized murderers with access to weapons and
possessing a moderate level of tactical sophistication, poses a threat
not just to the individuals they would seek to kill, but to the relative
stability of recent years in Judea and Samaria. While the West Bank has
seen flair-ups, TLD seems clearly fixated on clashing with Israelis as
much as possible in order to pour gasoline onto the flames of hatred
towards Jews that exist amongst the increasingly radicalized Palestinian

Young Palestinians, who often make up the ranks of terror organizations,
were not alive during the First Intifada and do not remember the Second.
They may be aware that thousands died during these conflicts, but they
do not have the tragic wisdom that comes with having experienced true
conflict. From a young age, it is highly likely that this group, like
most Palestinian of younger generations, has been fed a steady diet of
antisemitism and dehumanization of anyone who does not view the world as
they do. They view war and death as glorious. They do not believe in the
inherent value of human life. And their existence as a terrorist group
is the natural outgrowth of years of Palestinian indoctrination into an
ethos in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict itself is their reason
for existence. Put simply, they have been brainwashed.

Such hatred, such an affinity for violence, and such a love affair with
the false glory of war, mixed into a Palestinian society betrayed by
their leaders for generations, creates the right environment for a third
Palestinian war of terror against Israel.

Where is Abbas?

Well, the literal answer to the above question is that he's probably
in his $13 million dollar mansion in Ramallah. But the more important
point is that TLD is coming along at a time when Palestinian Authority
(PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is less and less of a factor in the West
Bank. Simply put, everyone from TLD to Hamas is just waiting on Abbas to
die so they can try to take over the West Bank and remake the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict in their image.

Abbas has done nothing good for his people and has caused them to
mistrust the PA. In addition to rampant corruption (see our earlier
comment about the mansion), Abbas has encouraged terrorism through
payments to so-called martyrs' families and has retained his seat of
power well beyond his original 4-year term. Moreover, Abbas's Prime
Minister, Mohammed Shtayyeh, recently showed up to a "mourning tent"
for Palestinian terrorists killed while fighting with Israeli soldiers.
Photos of the event show Shtayyeh standing alongside a hodgepodge of
masked, armed terrorists.

The present situation leaves Israel with few - if any - options. The
Israelis have a right and responsibility to protect their people from
all enemies, including this new, ruthless band of militants. And the
Israelis can, and will, contend with them. Through intelligence,
technology, and sheer force of will, Israel will prevail, just as she
has since her founding. But we must play our role as well.

Every time Israel roots out terrorists, especially as Israeli operations
begin to achieve strategic gains, the international community, and some
in Congress, begin howling for a cease-fire. As always, we will be
there, not to promote conflict (quite the opposite), but rather, we will
play our part by ensuring the Jewish state has the geopolitical space
necessary to degrade the terrorist threat, thereby saving countless
innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives.

The CUFI Action Fund Team


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