
My mother used to say, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."

But with big drug corporations charging Americans more than what they charge people in other countries for the same prescription medications, it's becoming increasingly harder for everyday families to remain healthy -- not only physically, but also financially.

That's why I'm proud to have passed H.R. 3 to lower the cost of prescription drugs with the support of Freshmen Members of the House, including Dr. Kim Schrier.

As the only woman doctor in Congress and a person living with Type 1 diabetes who relies on prescription insulin to survive, Kim brings a vital missing voice to this fight. This is why I need your help to ensure Kim stays by my side in Congress.

Will you join me in supporting Kim? Chip in $5 or more before her end-of-year deadline Tuesday, December 31.

Kim was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was sixteen. Over the last 20 years, the price of her insulin has skyrocketed -- going from $40 a bottle to upwards of $300. Yet there is simply nothing to justify this price hike.

All across our country, seniors and families are struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need to stay healthy. In fact, three in ten adults reported not taking their medicines as prescribed at some point in the past year because of the cost.

H.R. 3 will stop drug corporations from ripping off hard-working people and make prescription medications affordable again -- but none of this would have been possible without Kim's help.

Thanks to supporters like you, Kim, a woman doctor, has a seat at the table -- and we can't afford to lose her now. So please, chip in $5 or more before Tuesday at midnight and let's show Kim we have her back.

Thank you,

Nancy Pelosi

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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