Lock your CA Immunization Registry Data Today!
With the passing of AB 1797, beginning January 1, 2023, all vaccines administered in California will be required to be entered into the CA Immunization Registry (CAIR). To note: Vaccinations from a different state or country are not input into CAIR, unless your CA medical provider inputs them.
Per existing CAIR law, under Health & Safety Code §120440, all patients/parents/guardians must be told that California medical providers will submit patient vaccination records and tuberculosis (Tb) test results into CAIR for access by medical care providers and other authorized CAIR users. There is nothing a patient/parent/guardian can do to stop this inputting of data (aka no “opt-in” option). There is also currently no way to fully “opt-out” and completely remove vaccination or Tb information from CAIR. The only option currently available in California is to “lock” your/your child’s CAIR vaccine records. While this will prevent authorized users, such as schools/colleges, licensed childcare facilities, adult care facilities, Foster Care programs, CalWorks and other entities that require vaccine information to participate, from being able to access your/your child’s vaccine information, your/your child’s data will still remain in CAIR and can be accessed by your physician or surgeon and CDPH.
To review:
- Physicians and surgeons have access to their patient’s information in CAIR and can input their patient’s vaccine information into CAIR. If you have locked your/your child’s information, your doctor can still access this vaccination information in CAIR.
- Schools/colleges, licensed childcare facilities, adult care facilities, Foster Care programs, CalWorks and other entities that require vaccine information to participate have access to download CAIR information. Most of these entities still primarily take paper vaccination records and use CAIR as a back up if a person does not have a copy of their/their child’s vaccine records. These entities must get your permission to look up your/your child’s vaccine information. If you have locked your information they will not be able to access your/your child’s vaccine information until you unlock your records in CAIR.
- The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has access to the full database without restriction, even if you have locked your/your child’s information.
Each patient/parent has the right to review their own and/or their child’s record for accuracy, along with the right to decline to share their own and/or their child’s record with other CAIR users by using the ‘lock’ process form linked below, while retaining access to their record(s) through their own medical provider. If a patient/parent/guardian changes their mind about limiting access, they can request the record to be ‘unlocked’ at any time. Reminder: Locking your data does not remove the data from CAIR – there is no way to currently do that.
While this is not ideal, A Voice for Choice Advocacy recommends you lock your/your child’s information in CAIR, to uphold as much consumer privacy as possible. To lock your or your child’s vaccine information in CAIR, complete this form and click Submit: https://cairforms.cairweb.org/SharingRequestForm/SharingRequestForm?SharingType=1&Language=En It will take 5-7 days for your/your child’s data to be officially locked, and you will receive a confirmation email from CAIR confirming it has been locked.
If you want more information on AB 1797 and CAIR, I answered many questions on the bill in AVFCA’s recent Q&A session, which you can view here: https://youtu.be/svt6-gw1B08.
Please share the information in this email, giving credit to A Voice for Choice Advocacy, with this link: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/lock-your-cair-data/.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
