The government have U-turned on their disastrous mini-budget. But the damage is already done.
Green background with Green Party logo in white

Dear John,


Yesterday's announcement from Jeremy Hunt signalled an unprecedented level of U-turns even by Tory standards.


The economic measures announced by the latest Chancellor signal a move towards reviving the cruel and ineffective policies of austerity. This government has no regard for the needs of the people or the environment.


Co-Leader Adrian Ramsey remarked:


“The government can no longer govern - this chaos has to end. We cannot continue to lurch from crisis to crisis, while people are left struggling to get by and the natural world around us is destroyed.

The Green Party would do exactly the opposite of Truss’ reckless economic policies, which were designed to make the rich richer and would have driven up inequality."

At Conference, the Green Party announced an emergency package to halt and reverse the rise in inequality and tackle climate change.


A wealth tax on richest 1% and watertight windfall tax backdated to January would raise £75bn to help improve homes.

Carla Denyer spoke further on this:

"We would introduce - immediately - an emergency tax package which would mean polluting companies and the very richest 1% of households contribute more, to fund a nationwide insulation and renewable energy programme, creating warmer, more comfortable homes and bringing bills down for good."

Join the Green Party today so that we can tip the balance of power. The more members we have, the stronger our voice and the more resource we have to throw our weight behind gaining more MPs, and getting our policies enacted.

Thousands have joined the Green Party this year, will you join our growing movement today?


In solidarity,

The Green Party