
It’s election season, and that means the Illinois State Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund (ISRA PVF) needs your help so we can support the candidates who support your Second Amendment rights. Click here to donate today!

The only way to stop the anti-gun legislative agenda in Springfield is to change the people casting votes. The ISRA PVF needs your help NOW to fund our election outreach. We endorse candidates who support your rights, we send endorsement letters, and we publish our list of endorsed candidates. We cannot get the word out to Illinois’ law-abiding gun owners without your financial support.

We have to support the candidates who support us, especially in the down-ballot races in the state house. These are the legislators who are asking hard questions during testimony and making it clear they won’t support gun control, and they need our help more than ever. 

Click here to make a donation today of $50, $100, $250, $1000 or any amount you can afford to help ISRA PVF continue the fight to protect our allies to the state legislature. 

ISRA Political Victory Fund


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The Illinois State Rifle Association Political Victory Fund
422 East Locust | PO Box 476 | Chatsworth,  Illinois 60921

The ISRA-PVF is a political action committee affiliated with the Illinois State Rifle Association. Donations to the ISRA-PVF are not tax deductible and are subject to the rules and regulations of the Illinois State Board of Elections. A copy of our report is available for a fee from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.

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