Hi John,
Do you know about the Alliance’s sister organization, the Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation? The Foundation is home to our education, research, programming, and implementation work. This work is essential to reducing gun violence in our communities.
Through the Foundation, we:
- support community-led violence prevention programs that address upstream causes of gun violence;
- work with law enforcement, elected officials, and other stakeholders to implement our existing gun laws;
- support Chapter Teams across the state who advocate for gun responsibility in their communities;
- develop educational materials about gun violence and gun safety laws,
- and more!
The best part about our Foundation is that it is a C3 entity, meaning 100% of your donation is tax-deductible!
Most of our funding goes directly to the Alliance, so it is crucial that we drive support to the important work our Foundation is doing. Please consider a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation before December 31st.
With gratitude,
P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194
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