EcoHealth must be defunded — not refunded!
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To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must first stop wasteful
government spending.
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The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) was the very first to expose how Dr. Fauci
and Peter Daszak -- EcoHealth Alliance’s top white coat -- secretly shipped our
tax dollars to the Wuhan Lab. These cruel animal experiments likely caused the
COVID pandemic and killed millions.
CAUGHT RED-HANDED … AGAIN! Our investigators just uncovered NEW evidence that Dr. Fauci rewarded
these lab animal abusers with EVEN MORE money!
Please follow this secure link to send a pre-written email to your member of
Congress to cut ALL taxpayer funding for EcoHealth’s dangerous animal torture!
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[[link removed]]Taxpayer – EcoHealth prefers to outsource these heinous
animal experiments to foreign countries like China and Vietnam because there’s
less oversight abroad— i.e., they can get away with extreme animal torture that
wouldn’t be permitted in the U.S.
It’s up to you and me to ensure EcoHealth’s white coats are DEFUNDED… not
If you agree, please take action immediately by sending a quick, pre-written
email to your members of Congress immediately.
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Stop the Money. Stop the Madness!
Justin Goodman
Senior Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
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Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
You are receiving this email at
[email protected]
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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-085643