Dear supporters, Thank you for all the support you have shown us this year. We have had a successful and meaningful year advocating for public safety reforms that will improve the safety of America's children and staff at schools, improve mental health support, and promote responsible firearms ownership on the local, state, and federal levels. However, the work is far from over. In 2020, we will continue to push for action from Congressional leaders on a number of national legislative priorities. We will also continue to work on bipartisan changes at the local level to encourage needed reforms in state legislatures and statehouses, as well as in school districts and communities across the nation. It will be a busy year and we must ensure that issues of school safety do not get lost in the noise of an election year. We have been incredibly effective this year, and have high hopes for 2020 – but we will need your support and your voice to help us make the change so badly needed in this country. Sincerely, -- Stand with Parkland