| OAC HEALTH TALK: HOW TO COPE WITH SEASONAL STRESS & DEPRESSION | OCT. 20 AT 7 PM ET! With the seasons rapidly changing and the holidays right around the corner, you may feel like your mental health is becoming impossible to manage. Tune into OAC’s next Health Talk with Robyn Pashby, PhD, to learn how to cope with seasonal stress and depression. Streaming LIVE ON YOUTUBE Thursday, October 20th at 7 pm ET. PLUS, participate in a special Q&A ON ZOOM to ask your questions at 7:30 pm ET! SIGN UP. |  | METROHARTFORD ALLIANCE INTERVIEWS OAC PRESIDENT & CEO JOE NADGLOWSKI MetroHartford Alliance sat down with OAC’s President & CEO Joe Nadglowski to discuss obesity and healthcare in Connecticut. Read what he has to say when it comes to how employers can best support their employees and what employees need to know about their wellness options. READ MORE. | | | CDC CALLS FOR ACCESS TO OBESITY CARE FOR ALL AMERICANS New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the prevalence of obesity in a state is strongly correlated with its levels of income and wealth, level of education and access to food. In the report, not only did the CDC encourge the use of people-first language, they also acknowledged the urgent need for making obesity prevention and treatment accessible to all Americans. This is a HUGE win for all obesity advocates! READ MORE. | |  |  | This month, OAC Community Member Andrea Matthes shares her powerful story on how she learned to forgive herself for “messing up” and live a perfectly imperfect life. Read about her journey on OAC'S BLOG. | | “Here is why I am very comfortable with a patient weighing 300 pounds.” In this engaging article, Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, a leading expert in obesity medicine reminds us that obesity care is about health, not about losing weight. READ MORE. |  | | | Welcoming Ro to the OAC Chairman’s Council The OAC is honored to welcome new member Ro to our Chairman’s Council, the highest level of OAC Membership. We thank Ro for their support at the SILVER level of our Chairman’s Council. To learn more about OAC’s Chairman’s Council, please CLICK HERE. | | | Obesity Action Coalition 4511 N Himes Ave, Suite 250 Tampa, FL 33614 Unsubscribe | | |