Hey team, Sam here. Wanted to make sure you saw this critical message from Brad. He’s furious about our opponent’s connection to the Jan 6 insurrection and he’s willing to do anything to defend this seat from a GOP pickup.

Take a moment to read Brad’s thoughts, but also, we’ve fallen about $1,834 short of our $10,000 goal. Can I count on you to chip in so we can get back on track to match the GOP’s dark money?

– Sam Langheim, Finance Director

I’m sure you saw Thursday's hearing, but in case you didn’t, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6th insurrection presented new information about the attack and shared never-before-seen footage of congressional leaders at a DC-area base scrambling to save the Capitol.

While the committee is still working towards presenting its final report by the end of the year, if Republicans take control of the House, they will CANCEL everything the Jan 6th committee has done. They’ve been doing a real service to the American public, and it must continue.

This is personal for us and our race, team.

Not only is Wisconsin’s third district one of just a few tossup races that will determine the fate of the House, but my opponent is one of just THREE Republicans who attended the insurrection running for Congress. This means Derrick Van Orden is one of the most extreme candidates of the entire country.

Everyone, voters in the third district have a clear choice. Are we going to save democracy or elect an insurrectionist?If you want to defeat this extremist, I need your help. We set a goal to raise $10,000 in response to the Jan. 6 hearings and we’re not even halfway there – will you chip in?

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All of us recognize that if our house was on fire, we would not ask an arsonist to put the fire out. But this is the choice we have. We cannot let someone who would attack our Capitol and try to overturn an election by force to represent the people in Congress.

I take this very seriously, our campaign is about what path our country will take forward, and whether we’ll choose democracy and solutions over violence and extreme rhetoric. We know we can win, but we need your help to make sure our message penetrates.

So, if you can, chip in anything towards our $10,000 goal and help us stop an insurrectionist from flipping the House red!



Brad Pfaff is running for Wisconsin's 3rd district, one of the most important districts to defend to protect our Democratic majority in the House! With Ron Kind retiring, Washington Republicans are pouring money into our extremist, insurrectionist opponent's coffers. We need a strong grassroots movement to fight back and defend this seat from the extremist, violent wing of the Republican party. Thank you for being on our team, we really appreciate you, team!
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Paid for by Pfaff for Congress

Pfaff for Congress
PO Box 3606
La Crosse, WI 54602
United States