Dear Friend,

As we approach the end of the year, we are reflecting on our major victories in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Thank you for believing in our mission and helping us fight for bold climate action. We are ready for a big year.

But we can't do this without your support. Your tax-deductible donation to us is an investment in this fight.

In just ONE year, with your help, we have made a difference in:

  • Building Democracy: We advocated for state and national legislation -- including Assembly Bill 57 and Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8 -- to expand the electorate, accelerate same-day voter registration, and protect the right to vote, which are all key to changing what’s possible for environmental action in our political system.

  • Growing Regional Power: We worked with newly-elected members of the state legislature to explore how the climate crisis is impacting their districts and help them become successful environmental champions. Additionally, we launched new initiatives in the Central Valley and Inland Empire to scale our presence in the region! We are poised to continue this work in 2020.

  • Protecting Our Future: We helped secure $130 million in funding to fix California's broken water systems by passing Senate Bill 200 to provide over 1.1 million Californians with access to safe drinking water; the Mojave Desert will be protected from Trump and his cronies at Cadiz, Inc. with the passage of Senate Bill 307; and we protected California taxpayers from paying for Big Oil’s cleanup costs and revitalized CalGEM (the agency now responsible for natural resource protection) by supporting the passage of Assembly Bill 1057.

And we’re just getting started, Friend.

That’s why today we are asking friends, like you, to help us start 2020 strong by making a tax-deductible, end of year gift of $50 by December 31st.

Donate now:

Thank you for stepping up today and standing with us in this fight,

Mary Creasman 
Chief Executive Officer
California League of Conservation Voters Education Fund



We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change.  We conduct public opinion research, shape the public narrative, organize with allies and local communities, educate legislators on the most pressing environmental issues of our day, and grow our movement and set a bold policy direction. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.