Dear John,
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas together and that you’re excited about all that God has in store for you in 2020.
As I look ahead to the coming year, I can’t help but reflect on 2019 and be grateful to the Lord for all he provided and accomplished. This was a landmark year filled with inspiring pro-life victories that will protect the most vulnerable among us – babies in the womb.
I thank God that the tide in our country is turning from death to life. Forty-six years after Roe v Wade, the pro-life movement is truly at an inflection point in the battle to end abortion.
While I celebrate the gains made this year, I also realize the pro-life movement still has a long way to go. Tens of thousands of women still seek information on abortion every single day. Human Coalition’s Contact Center is still busy responding to women reaching out for help every day. And our clinics around the country are still seeing clients every day, helping them navigate through challenging situations with compassionate care.
Your partnership is needed to serve these women and rescue their babies from abortion. The genocide of abortion won’t end without the support of people like you, John.
You can do just that today by giving toward the life-saving year-end goal of $150,000.
Thanks to a generous matching grant opportunity, every dollar donated up to $150,000 will be doubled if received by midnight on December 31. That means your donation today will go twice as far and effectively make DOUBLE the life-saving impact.
I am so appreciative of generous partners like you who have given $132,053 toward this goal so far. Because of the matching grant opportunity, this amount is DOUBLED, which means $264,106 has been raised so far to rescue more preborn children.
But there are only THREE DAYS left to reach the $150,000 life-saving goal. Your help is needed to ensure all of the matching funds are used and that as many children as possible are rescued.
Will you give TODAY?
Even though so much progress has been made this year to advance the pro-life cause, there are pro-abortion leaders all throughout the country who are working to halt the momentum. The support of people like you is crucial, as you help the pro-life movement press forward to end abortion and rescue innocent boys and girls in the womb.
By taking a stand for life, you show a watching world that these preborn babies are valuable gifts from God. They are children who are worthy of life and who deserve our protection, care, and action.
Only three days remain to DOUBLE the reach of your life-saving gift. John: Take a stand today for these vulnerable boys and girls by giving them the gift of life!

Thank you for your inspiring devotion to life!
For Life,
Brian Fisher