It would make Martin’s day to hear from you.

Senator Cory Booker

Folks — Cory Booker here. I’m emailing you because I’m one of Martin’s good friends in the Senate — and it’s his birthday today!

Martin’s team asked me to help put together a birthday surprise for him — and of course, I said yes right away. It’s not every day you meet someone like Martin. He’s fighting day in and day out in the Senate to tackle climate change, protect reproductive rights, and lower everyday costs for New Mexicans. Plus, he’s the reason I know an above average number of facts about the great outdoors!

Here’s what I need from you today: Can you sign Martin’s birthday card and consider writing a personal message, too? I know it’ll put a smile on his face to hear from you.


Thanks for taking a minute to make Martin’s day.

— Cory

Cory Booker
U.S. Senator from New Jersey




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Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States