From Herschel Walker <[email protected]>
Subject Voters are casting ballots starting today
Date October 17, 2022 5:26 PM
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Herschel Walker for Senate

It's GAME TIME. Early voting is happening NOW. We must reach out
to undecided voters in Georgia before they cast their ballots.

John -

Early voting started TODAY in Georgia.

Our need for campaign resources has become even more pronounced
since the last time we reached out to you about voter outreach.

It's GAME TIME. We're down to the final 22 days of the race, and
your support at this critical time is more important than it's
ever been before since voters are now casting their ballots.

I'm asking you for $5 to put into our voter contact fund for the
following reasons:

Since 2018, Stacey Abrams has registered more than 1 million new
voters, mostly Democrats. That makes it all-the-more important
that we reach as many Republican and independent voters as we
With an average of 6.7% of voters still undecided, we must do
everything we can to reach these voters and convince them to
support our campaign.
Reaching undecided voters is both time consuming and expensive,
which is why I'm emailing today to see if you have $5 to help.

Help Reach Undecided Voters
Chip in $5 &rarr;

Pundits are suggesting our race could be headed to a runoff since
the polls are virtually tied. Your donation RIGHT NOW will help
determine whether we win outright on November 8th or go into

We need to raise $50,000 per day for the next 22 days to reach
the undecided voters in Georgia. Please, don't wait to donate -
we need your help to win this thing.


Herschel Walker

Donate Today &rarr;

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Herschel believes that America is at a crossroads, and he refuses
to sit on the sidelines while national leaders take our country
down the wrong path. Herschel Walker is a kid from a small town
in Georgia who has lived the American Dream, and now he is
running as a Republican for the United States Senate to keep that
dream alive for everyone.

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with Team Herschel, but we also don't want to flood your inbox.
To receive only the most important emails, please click here.
We'd hate to see you go, but if you'd like to unsubscribe, please
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