Dear People For Supporter, The Far Right has been waging a multi-front assault on Black voters, including voter suppression legislation to keep them from the polls, misinformation to depress their turnout, and racist gerrymanders to dilute their power. So People For is launching our Defend the Black Vote campaign in 15 states to get at least a million Black men ages 18 to 60 to the polls. Typically, Black men vote at much lower rates than black women – so we’re focusing on infrequent but registered voters and building on the success of our 2020 program, in which nearly 70 percent of the Black men we engaged with ultimately cast a ballot. This is one of the largest GOTV programs directly focusing on Black men this election year – and we believe it will go a very long way to helping ensure Black communities will be represented by people who share their communities’ values and priorities. Please watch our launch video below – and then help spread the word about the program to all your friends and family. We all know that this is the most important election of our lives – in so many ways, democracy itself is on the ballot this year. So we hope you’re making plans to step up your involvement in the weeks ahead; here are four more good ways to do that:
Thank you so much for everything you do, and we look forward to working with you to help turnout massive numbers of voters – especially Black voters – in this November’s midterm elections. Sincerely, Svante Myrick, Executive Director