From Matt Shinners <[email protected]>
Subject Our strategy around this 4th quarter fundraising number inside
Date December 28, 2019 3:09 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

One thing that makes a big difference in press coverage both locally and nationally is fundraising numbers.

The press knows which campaigns are rising -- and falling -- based on how much money they raise. They also know
that a campaign has no shot in Iowa or to win the nomination if they are seeing a drop in grassroots support.

It’s one of the reasons we’re counting on you, Yang Gang, and the rest of this team to help us put up a big
fundraising report at the end of the quarter -- one with lots of grassroots contributions. This is how we show
everyone watching that this campaign is still growing and has what it takes to compete.

[ [link removed] ]Make a contribution of
or whatever you can afford today. Every dollar you give sends a big public message about our campaign and the
movement behind it.

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

We’re counting on you,

Matt Shinners
Communications Director

Our end-of-quarter deadline is approaching fast, and after that, our fundraising
numbers will go public for the world to see. Pitch in now so we can show everyone the
power of this movement.

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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