Every day, global population soars by more than 225,000 people. As human population skyrockets—we’re adding a billion people a decade—the earth’s precious biodiversity suffers.
Earlier this year, the UN released a stark report warning that human activities have placed 1 million species at risk of extinction. Pollution, hunting and poaching, habitat loss, and climate change are all to blame.
Friend, the good news is that you’re here to respond to this challenge! With your help, we can slow global population growth and give animals some breathing room.
At Population Connection, we’re working to make sure that every person can decide, freely and responsibly, whether, when, and with whom to have children.
Your support of our programs makes this possible. With your donation of $25.00 today, you’ll fuel our campaigns in 2020 and beyond. But please don’t delay! Our matching gift challenge lasts through midnight on December 31st.
Whether you want to fight alongside us to stop Trump’s deadly policies against reproductive health—like his Global Gag Rule—or you want to educate future leaders about population impacts through our Population Education program in schools, your contribution today builds the groundwork for a better, safer, less-crowded planet.
What’s more, every dollar you contribute through December 31st will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a generous group of donors who care as deeply about the future of our planet and people as you do.
They’re investing in our shared future with a generous gift of $40,000 and they’re challenging YOU to double your impact by making your own gift—no matter how large or how small—to protect our fragile environment and to improve the quality of life for people everywhere.
Would you consider a gift of $25.00 now? Your own generous support will be matched.
I look forward to fighting alongside you in the year ahead.

John Seager
President & CEO