JOHN, we know it’s a Sunday, but we had to reach out with this personal message from Max. Can you help out by chipping in as much as you can so Max Rose can win this race and defeat his far-right opponent, Nicole Malliotakis?

This race is going to come down to the wire, and we can’t leave any effort on the table to help Max win.
His radical opponent, Nicole Malliotakis, has championed a far-right agenda while in Congress. She voted against banning the sale of deadly assault weapons and against codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law. It’s clear that she’s wildly out of touch with working people across NY-11.
Max Rose knows that what this district wants is safer streets for families to walk down, reproductive rights enshrined by federal law, an economy that actually works for them, and deadly assault weapons taken off the shelves at gun stores.
Sure, these are big things to tackle, but there’s never been a task that Max wasn’t up for if it meant creating a safer, more equitable community. As a Purple Heart recipient and Army Veteran, Max has always put country over party. He proved this in Congress by working across the aisle to get important work done.
It’s time we elect a representative who will be authentically for the people of Staten Island and South Brooklyn. With Election Day around the corner, will you chip in to help Max Rose win this competitive race?
Thank you,
Team Max Rose