- Team Roth
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From: David Roth <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 12:10 PM
Subject: What makes our campaign different
Hi John,
The other day I reached out to you with an important fundraising goal, a big push to fund the resources my team needs for GOTV in the coming weeks.
The good news is we’ve taken a BIG chunk out of that goal. But we’re halfway through the month today, and less than 10 days from the start of early voting, so we really need to finish closing the gap of $3,536 before midnight tonight.
In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign. But first, I want to share with you why this race is worth investing in.
Idaho has not elected a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in my lifetime, but it’s not because there aren’t enough Democratic voters here. In fact, Democratic voter registrations have been SURGING in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v Wade.
My Republican opponent has been our Senator for nearly a quarter of a century, and what has he done with his time in office?
His donors have certainly gotten VERY wealthy. That’s probably why his long political career has been bankrolled by Wall Street, Big Pharma, insurance giants, and real estate developers.
Meanwhile, the cost of living for everyday Idahoans has become untenable. I know – I’m one of them.
I’ve seen my own prescription drug costs spike by 337% (!!). And all across our state, the cost of buying or renting a home is being pushed out of reach for regular working families.
Voters here in Idaho are ready for change. When people hear about our grassroots campaign, they get excited, and they’re eager to jump in.
I have an energetic pool of volunteers all across the state canvassing their communities and working hard to turn out the vote. They believe in our campaign, and I believe in Idaho.
Will you make a contribution today of $50 (our average donation), $100, or whatever you can afford to make sure my canvassing teams are fully supplied for the final weeks of GOTV?