Floridians are getting ready to cast their ballots, and the next two weeks will be critical in Keeping Florida Free.
With so much at stake, and so little time left before the polls open, we’ve set robust daily fundraising goals to make sure Governor DeSantis’ message reaches all corners of the state before Floridians cast their vote.
Right now, we are falling short of our daily goal... by $17,650 to be exact.
Our team sets these goals to ensure we are hitting the mark each and every day before Election Day. Reaching these goals will ensure we stay ahead of Charlie Crist and the far-Left activists trying to impose Joe Biden’s failed agenda in Florida.
If we’re going to keep their extreme agenda out of our state, we cannot let up even for a moment in this critical final stretch of the campaign.
We’re working day in and day out to help keep the state of Florida free, and our work has only just begun.
The Left knows Florida is the citadel of freedom. Governor DeSantis has consistently stood for our rights against tyrannical lockdowns, mandates, and censorship. And at every turn, he has been proven right. That’s why the far-Left is investing MILLIONS into taking control of Florida the way they have other states – and they’re not giving up without a fight.
The next 23 days will be the most critical of this election cycle. We MUST win every day, every hour, every minute if we are going to win in November.