Thank you! Your support made the year National Popular Vote's best ever.

In 2019, 4 more states (Delaware, Oregon, New Mexico, and Colorado) enacted the National Popular Vote bill to guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who gets the most popular votes nationwide .
The bi-partisan enactment in Delaware of the National Popular Vote bill was kick-started by a lunch with over 100 volunteers, including dozens of members of the League of Women Voters and Common Cause -- organizations that supported our efforts in every state.
A huge volunteer effort in Oregon got the National Popular Vote bill passed in Oregon and signed by Governor Kate Brown.
In New Mexico, hundreds of volunteers attended meetings that led to enactment of the bill.
Numerous supporters in Colorado turned out for legislative committee hearings (and all the other states where the bill was considered).
Although it did not lead to enactments this year, the bill passed four additional legislative chambers in Minnesota, Maine, and Nevada.

The one thing that both our opponents and we agree on is that the National Popular Vote legislation is now close to taking effect nationally. As of today, the National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 states and the District of Columbia -- together possessing 196 of the 270 electoral votes needed to bring it into effect.

Because the National Popular Vote bill is now close to taking effect nationally, opponents have already spent over $1,000,000 to force a statewide vote in Colorado after the legislature passed and the Governor signed the bill into law. This well-funded effort makes it critical Colorado voters approve the bill in the upcoming statewide vote by voting Yes on National Popular Vote.

Meanwhile, the National Popular Vote bill has been pre-filed in the newly elected Virginia legislature that will meet on January 8th (HB199, HB177).

Best wishes for the New Year from the National Popular Vote team. Click here for bio's
Vermont State Senator Christopher Pearson
NPV Board Member Pam Wilmot
Former Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis
Senior Adviser Scott Drexel
Chair Dr. John R. Koza
President Barry Fadem
National Grassroots Director Eileen Reavey
Former ALEC National Chair Ray Haynes
Senior Advisor Pat Rosensteil
Senior Advisor Ted Trimpa
NPV Board Member Steve Silberstein
Citizen Outreach Director Susan Evoy