From Robert Reich via EPI <[email protected]>
Subject Corporations are making out like bandits under Trump’s economy
Date December 28, 2019 1:03 PM
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Despite Trump’s promises, working families are being left behind.

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Two years ago, Donald Trump and congressional Republicans slashed taxes, creating a massive give-away to the wealthy and corporations. Since then, Trump and the GOP have attempted to pay for their nearly $2 trillion tax handout for the rich by slashing critical services for working families. Just look at this New York Times headline:
The Trump administration is literally taking food off the table of hungry families, through $5.5 billion in SNAP cuts over the next five years. These devastating cuts will force nearly 10,000 families to lose all food stamp benefits.[1]

Trump’s ruse was that under his tax bill working families would see a $4,000 - $9,000 benefit both in individual tax cuts and through investments made by corporate America. Nothing remotely close to this has occurred.

Instead, median family income has risen just $514 (lower than the increases in the final two years of Barack Obama’s presidency) while corporations enjoy their lowest effective tax rate in more than 30 years—just 11.3%.

Over 30 years ago, I helped start EPI with a vision of helping working families—through better wages and benefits and stronger labor unions to defend our rights against the greedy corporations that value profits above all else.

Will you join me in supporting EPI with an end-of-year contribution to fight for the rights and wages of working people and push back against Donald Trump’s anti-worker agenda? ([link removed])

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Despite the promise that the tax cuts would unleash robust economic growth, the benefits have not trickled down to working people. Instead, we’ve seen skyrocketing CEO pay and stock-buybacks that enrich wealthy shareholders.

What would actually help families is enacting progressive economic policies to bolster labor unions, raise the minimum wage, and make childcare more affordable. And that’s exactly what EPI is doing!

From fighting back against the Trump administration’s attacks on our right to come together in union to helping pass a $15 minimum wage and pay equity for women, EPI is leading our fight for a worker-centric economy that puts our rights and good jobs ahead of corporate profits.

Make an end-of-year contribution today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])

The Trump administration’s policies are wrong for working families, wrong for our economy, and wrong for America.

Together, let’s fight for a progressive economic agenda that puts trillions of dollars into the pockets of U.S. workers, not CEOs and wealthy shareholders. When we do, we’ll boost our economy and improve the lives of millions of families across the country.

Thank you,

Robert Reich
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Co-founder of Inequality Media, and author of “The Common Good

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