J Street's Monthly Newsletter: Friends, it is clear that we’re at a critical juncture for the future of democracy in the United States, Israel and around the world.
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Street Talk: J Street's Monthly Newsletter


With US and Israeli elections just a few weeks away, this is a critical time for J Street’s work and the issues we care about. These elections will have a major impact on the future of democracy in both countries.

Faced with a growing threat from the forces of far-right ethno-nationalism, J Street stands ready to protect our democratic rights, pursue peace and justice, and give voice to the values and priorities of the majority of our community. We’re also speaking out about important developments on the ground -- from an important new diplomatic achievement for the US and Israeli governments, to an alarming escalation of tensions and violence in the occupied West Bank.

J Street is committed to this fight, and we know the overwhelming majority in our community are with us. We know that elevating conspiracy theorists and hate-mongering leaders can only end badly for Jewish Americans and other minorities. We know that those who don’t care about democracy and equality at home certainly won’t show the courage to defend it abroad.

Read all about our work and more in this month's Street Talk newsletter below. And if you value principled, strong pro-Israel, pro-peace leadership that champions diplomacy, democracy and freedom, please consider a contribution to fuel our work at this crucial moment >>

Thank you for being a part of this movement,

Logan Bayroff
Vice President of Communications


Countdown to Election Day: J Street Stands with Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace, Pro-Democracy Candidates

J Street Goes All In to Protect Freedoms, Fight for Democracy

Given the stunning rise of far-right, anti-democratic candidates attacking our fundamental rights and freedoms, the 2022 midterms are uniquely critical. We’re doing everything we can between now and November 8 to help elect champions of democracy and prevent MAGA majorities from taking control of the House and Senate.

This election cycle, we've endorsed 138 House and Senate candidates -- with over a quarter of our endorsees running in the most competitive battleground states and districts that will determine control of Congress. To learn more about our exciting slate of candidates and how you can support them, become a member of JStreetPAC today >>

We pride ourselves on being the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans because we know our Jewish and democratic values will only be safe if we fight for them on the campaign trail and at the ballot box.

As the election approaches, we're also exploring what it means to defend democracy and face up to the truth about the threats posed by former President Trump and his extremist political movement. It’s clear that the true interests and values of the American Jewish community compel us to stand up for free and fair elections and democratic institutions. We’ll discuss this -- and more -- in this Thursday’s J Stream briefing call with Conor Shaw, an expert from CREW, a leading democracy protection organization. Join our J Stream call on the struggle to protect democracy this Thursday >>

J Street Applauds Israel-Lebanon Maritime Agreement

We congratulated Prime Minister Yair Lapid's government and the Biden Administration on Israel reaching a diplomatic resolution to its long-running maritime dispute with Lebanon in the Mediterranean Sea. You can read our full statement here >>

Coming after years of difficult talks, this agreement is an important accomplishment, and showcases the role that proactive and relentless American diplomacy can play in successful conflict resolution. It makes clear that the United States can put forward concrete proposals to successfully resolve disputes -- even when the parties aren't engaged in direct, bilateral negotiations with each other. That’s a lesson that can and should also be applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well. To learn more about the significance of the deal, read J Street Director of Policy Dr. Debra Shushan’s issue brief >>

Welcoming Prime Minister Lapid’s Support for Two States, Pushing for Urgent Steps to Stop Israeli-Palestinian Escalation

After many years in which successive right-wing Israeli prime ministers distanced themselves from or outright opposed the pursuit of a two-state solution, Prime Minister Lapid publicly declared his support for two states for two peoples in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly last month -- which J Street welcomed as an important step in the right direction. In welcoming Lapid’s speech, we also noted that in order to make a real impact, the prime minister's remarks need to be followed up by meaningful action to reinvigorate diplomacy, enhance engagement with Palestinian leaders who seek a peaceful resolution, and reverse harmful policies that have deepened occupation and exacerbated the conflict. We called on the US government to do everything it can to encourage such steps.

The unsustainable, rapidly deteriorating situation in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem -- where terror attacks, settler violence and army crackdowns are on the rise and the Palestinian Authority may be on the brink of collapse -- makes it all the more vital to find an alternative. In our statement mourning the death of young IDF sergeant Noa Lazar in a checkpoint shooting attack, we urged that “A new path, away from the abyss and toward diplomacy and peace, must be pursued.”

As Netanyahu and his right-wing bloc attack every decision made by Lapid, it remains to be seen how recent developments will impact the Israeli election on November 1. J Street is pleased to offer regular updates and analysis on the Israeli election campaign, delivered directly to your inbox. Subscribe to our Israeli Election Updates here >>

You're Invited! The 2022 J Street National Conference!

Register to join us at our National Conference this December.

The J Street National Conference is the year's largest gathering of pro-Israel, pro-peace activists -- and one of the most important, talked-about annual events in the world of foreign policy and American politics.

Taking place both in-person and virtually from December 3-5, 2022, it will bring together top lawmakers, activists, and experts to explore how we can best mobilize to take on and defeat the far-right at home and abroad. We're happy to announce that the opening night of the Conference will feature Rep. Jamie Raskin as Keynote Speaker and a performance by the renowned Israeli singer Noa. Reserve your tickets now >>

Launching the "J Street Policy Center"

Last month, we were excited to launch the new J Street Policy Center. The Policy Center will produce original analysis and other resources to inform and educate elected officials, policymakers and advocates on issues related to US policy toward Israel, Palestine and the broader Middle East.

Committed to amplifying the work of diverse experts who work to drive forward diplomacy and conflict resolution in the region, the center will be led by Dylan Williams, J Street's Senior Vice President for Policy and Strategy, and Dr. Debra Shushan, Director of Policy.

With the center's first symposium, titled "Israel-Arab Normalization and Advancing Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Resolution," we brought together more than 50 top policy experts to discuss how Israel-Arab normalization can be harnessed and directed to counter the harms of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and help spur real progress toward a political solution.

Support J Street's work to help shape the policy agenda in Washington, and ensure that the conversation isn't dominated by right-wing voices >>

Join the Jerusalem Youth Chorus for their 10th Anniversary Concert

J Street is a proud friend and partner of the inspiring Jerusalem Youth Chorus, and we want to make sure you know about their exciting upcoming 10th Anniversary Concert, taking place online on Sunday, October 23. This year's event will feature stars David Broza, Mira Awad, Saz Zakout and Guy Mintus as special guests, alongside Palestinian and Israeli singers from the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, sharing songs and stories of hope, inspiration and harmony.

The event will be followed by a Zoom talkback with some of the artists from the concert. If you are looking for an infusion of fresh, creative energy from Israelis and Palestinians committed to a better future, you won't want to miss this event! Registration is free here >>

Our Israel: Meet the Israeli Organizations Working for Change

Incredible Israeli grassroots advocates and activists are fighting for a more just, equal and peaceful future for their country and for both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. J Street is proud to highlight their critical work through our Our Israel profile series.

The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants advocates for policies and practices to ensure that the human rights of migrants in Israel are respected. "We believe in changing reality not only through decision-makers but by harnessing the power of the public. It's a difficult fight, but it's an important one that we believe in," Executive Director Dr. Ayelet Oz tells J Street. Read the full profile here >>

Must Reads


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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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