I’m hoping by now that the greatest amicus brief of all time has made its way into your inbox, your hearts and your classrooms.
Um, OK. “Marquette removes students from campus leadership posts in response to freshmen welcome event protest” (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
A rare happy ending to a student media/administration dust up! “Student news media must be protected. After a rumble, LSU prez gets it.” (Nola.com)
Love this. “Federal court leaders agree to refund fees for online records” (Washington Post)
This is a heartwarming and exciting Twitter thread. Show it to your illustrative students.
Here’s a subhead we can all get behind: “A better way to teach writing? Try journalism | A PhD in literature argues that journalism, not ‘comp,’ is the most effective way to help college student learn to write” (Nieman Reports)
This is a good read. “The Inquisition: State intrusion on higher ed is nothing new. Decades ago, Florida lawmakers tried to purge campus ‘immorality.’” (Chronicle of Higher Education)
The Washington Post’s “How a Las Vegas newsroom set out to solve a colleague’s killing” is pretty inspiring, with a particularly journalistic and bittersweet twist at the end.
Classroom resources
Wow! “See the buzzworthy winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition” (NPR)
My first thought about this story about a controversy around an inclusive glossary was, “Can I get a copy?” But here’s the apparent source material.
How to Support Journalists Experiencing Online Harassment (Nieman Reports)
Introducing Nora J.S. Reichardt: Local 5 reporter comes out as transgender woman (WeAreIowa.com)
9 tips to debunk false claims made by friends and family (Washington Post)
A User’s Guide to Democracy (ProPublica)
A journalist’s guide to reporting on homelessness (Street Sense Media)
I mention them a lot, and for good reason. The NBCU Academy is virtually hosting its second Next Level Summit on Oct. 18. Sessions include topics like “Check the Source: Social Media as a Newsgathering Tool” and “Breakout Careers in Media & Technology,” there might be something that dovetails with your current lesson plans.
Story ideas
Does your college do this? “Withholding college transcripts for loan payment is ‘abusive,’ federal agency says” (Hechinger Report)
How will your students fare? “The No-Roe Reality and Student Mental Health: Restrictions on abortion access will negatively impact student mental health, and colleges and counseling centers must be prepared” (Inside Higher Ed)
This week’s Professor’s Press Pass
Two issues for you to consider this week that center around politicians and the media: Georgia’s Herschel Walker and Pennsylvania’s John Fetterman, both senatorial candidates. Professor’s Press Pass is a subscription library of ethical and journalism business case studies designed for robust classroom communication. Subscriptions are $12 a month or $100 per year.
One last thing
If you didn’t know about Fat Bear Week, well, now you do.
Resources for educators