2 Urgent New Year's Resolutions
Larry Klayman seeks to remove 'politics, money and power' from judicial system
By Larry Klayman
December 27, 2019
With the New Year nearly upon us, it's time to take stock and understand that in 2020 we all must strive for justice, as our legal system is more than broken; it has become an absolute cesspool of corruption when it comes to holding the elite establishment to the rule of law and our Constitution. So here are my two of many New Years resolutions, which with the Grace of God hopefully we can make progress in 2020.

Resoltuion No. 1

Undertake an overhaul of the way federal judges are chosen, which will ultimately require an amendment to the Constitution. Our framers were enlightened by God, but they were not God, and they made some fundamental errors in the way we choose judges and Supreme Court justices. While many think that I am "anti-judge," given my conceiving of and founding Judicial Watch, which plainly means to "watch" judges, in fact the opposite is true. In principle, judges are our most important public servants, as they are intended, particularly in the federal system, to protect us from the tyranny of government overreach and oppression, but in reality have become the "yes men" of those politicians and special interests that put them in power through greasy political patronage.

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