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Fellow Patriot,

House Democrats led by "The Vile and Wicked Witch" Nancy Pelosi just officially IMPEACHED President Trump...


...and now as 2019 comes to an end, and the critical 2020 election year begins, I - America's toughest prosecutor - urgently need your help to INDICT and PROSECUTE the four Democrats behind this attempted coup:

"The Vile, Wicked Witch" (aka "Nervous Nancy") Pelosi, "Fat Jerry" Nadler, Maxine Waters, and "Shifty" Adam Schiff!

BEFORE they move forward with their plan to publicly DESTROY the president now, defeat him in 2020...

...and then indict, prosecute, and then LOCK HIM UP!

Now That Democrats Have Impeached Trump, They're Colluding to DESTROY President Trump by Impeaching Him Now, and then DEFEATING Him in 2020!

And you better believe they're already hard at work!

In fact, as the 2020 election year begins, the Democrat-Machine is already hard at work raising millions of dollars to crush President Trump.

And if they're able to do that... can be sure Pelosi will try and LOCK HIM UP after he is kicked out of the White House.

That's why I'm hoping and praying - for President Trump's sake - that you'll send in your most generous end of year gift right now.

Fellow Patriot, I need to know you're with me.

I simply can't fight this battle alone.

You can do that right now by sending your end of year tax deductible gift of $1,000, $500, or $250 or more right now to help make sure we have a war chest of funds ready to prosecute Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, and Nadler (and all the Democrats behind this coup), plus fight back to protect President Trump right now!

I know that's a lot of money and only a fortunate few can afford it, but you can still make a HUGE difference by sending a gift of $104, $74, or even $30.

Your Most Generous Gift will Help Make Sure Freedom Watch Can Prosecute Leftists like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Waters!

No matter what amount you send, please remember that Pelosi and all house Democrats are tightening the noose around President Trump right now.

They've already officially impeached him, and are now looking to discredit him.

That way they can finally DEFEAT him in 2020 and then - God forbid - LOCK HIM UP as a private citizen!

Your tax-deductible gift today could literally mean the difference between seeing this headline all over the media:

"Pelosi and Dems FINALLY IMPEACH President Trump, Defeat Him in 2020, and Now Seek to LOCK HIM UP as a Private Citizen!

OR this one...

"Trump Gets Last Laugh: Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Nadler and All Democrats Behind IMPEACHMENT and COUP Prosecuted to Fullest Extent of the Law as Trump Re-Elected to Help Keep America Great!"

Which one would you rather see?

I know where I stand - right next to the President!

I hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President.

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,

Larry headshot

Larry Klayman, Esq.


Founder, Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch, Inc.

2020 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Suite 345
Washington, DC 20006

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