Pekau For Congress

There's no other way to say it ... this is URGENT

Sean Casten has been outraising us, and it's allowed him to run a barrage of misleading attack ads against us. 

Sean Casten and Democrat Super PACs are flooding the airwaves. The only way we can counter their attacks is by raising enough money to keep our ads on the air and set the record straight. John, we're counting on your help to pick up the pace and win!

Our team made it clear – raise $50,000 by midnight tomorrow or risk falling even farther behind. We must keep our ads on the air to counter the lies that Sean Casten is pushing out to voters.
Stop Sean Casten & Nancy Pelosi Here
We know $50,000 by tomorrow is a lot – but here's the deal... if every Team Pekau supporter would chip in even just $2 or $3, we'll be able to hit our goal

John, this is one of the most closely watched Congressional races this year because the House majority could be determined by what happens in Illinois

We're being attacked by misleading ads and being outraised by national Democrats. But if our whole team jumps in now, WE CAN STILL WIN.

Will you chip in $20 or $30 and help our team raise $50,000 by midnight so we can hit our goal and go ahead?
Thank you,
Keith Pekau
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