We need an outpouring of support now to surge to victory on November 8.
Right now, our 100,000+ volunteers are hard at work reaching out to voters in every single part of the state.
This work is incredibly important — but it's also time-consuming and expensive.
In order to connect with the voters that we need to win, we must stay on track with our fundraising — including our goal to raise $3 million by tonight's mid-month fundraising deadline. We just crunched the numbers, and if three people from xxxxxx chip in immediately, we'll close this gap in time.
John, will you be one of the three people we need from xxxxxx to make a contribution before midnight? Whether you can afford to donate $3 or a little bit more, every single donation will make a difference in defeating Greg Abbott.
Contribute $3
This is the most expensive gubernatorial election in Texas history — and the most competitive in decades. New polling released this week shows Beto and Abbott statistically tied, so we need an outpouring of support NOW to surge to victory on November 8.
Reporters have already reached out to ask if we'll have the resources we need to compete with Abbott on the airwaves through Election Day, and pundits are closely watching to see if we'll have the people-powered strength to end Abbott's failed time in office.
Hitting this $3 million goal will show everyone — the media, our opponents, and undecided voters — that we have the momentum to win. Can you help make it happen?
Please, be one of the three people we need from xxxxxx to make a contribution before midnight.
With your support, we can win. Let’s get it done!
—Beto HQ