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Dear John

There have been some concerning announcements coming from Liz Truss’ new government over the last few weeks.

From fracking to planning deregulation, the government is currently pursuing a growth-at-all-costs agenda which could have disastrous implications for our countryside, communities and climate.

In a leaked email from the private office of Jacob Rees-Mogg, there are indications that the government is exploring ways to bypass local democracy in order to roll out fracking and other fossil fuel projects.

We want to ensure local people get the final say on any application for fracking in their area which is why we’ve launched a petition in collaboration with 38 Degrees – read on to find out more.

And it's not just local democracy that's being attacked, but nature too. In response to this attack, we've signed a joint letter to Liz Truss alongside several other national environmental groups including RSPB, National Trust and the Wildlife Trusts. You can read the letter here.

As National Hedgerow Week comes to a close, we hope you’ve found some time to join us in celebrating all the benefits hedgerows bring and all the ways you've been helping them to thrive. Read on to find out how we're marking the end of the week.

Now that we're well into October, we're starting to experience those crisp mornings, chilly nights and cooler breezes that are common for this time of year. But what does that mean for your countryside walk, and what wildlife might you find during this month of change? Read on to find out.

Thank you for championing hedgerows this National Hedgerow Week


A big thank you for taking time to sign and share our hedgerow petition calling for a 40% increase in hedgerows by 2050. Thanks to you, we've surpassed 45,000 signatures! To mark the end of National Hedgerow Week on Monday 17 October, we'll be heading to DEFRA's Head Office to hand in our petition. Keep an eye out for further updates next week!

Join our call on the government to rethink its plans on fracking


The government wants to fast-track fracking against the wishes of local communities who have rejected it time and time again. In response, we’ve launched a new petition with 38 Degrees to ensure local communities get the final say on any application for fracking in their area. Thank you to everyone who has signed it already - if you haven't yet, there's still time. Find out more and take action below.

‘Deregulation on steroids’ – our response to planned investment zones


Former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng's proposed investment zones would strip away the protection of the planning system from swathes of the countryside, threatening many of our most loved landscapes. If these plans go ahead, developers will be given free rein to industrialise our countryside, changing the face of rural England for generations to come. Read more on our response and how you can support below.

A countryside walk in October


While September is typically regarded as the start of autumn, we don’t normally feel autumn’s bite until we move into October. As the temperatures begin to drop, and daylight hours dwindle, the natural world is preparing for winter in all kinds of miraculous and spellbinding ways. 

Be a part of what we stand for


Becoming a member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. We put your money to good use, collaborating with communities and holding government to account for positive change and a sustainable countryside. You'll also receive some great perks too, including discounted entry to over 100 attractions across the country!

Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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