Folks: we wanted to make sure you saw John's email from yesterday. Once our FEC numbers become public, everyone from Mitch McConnell to Donald Trump will search our report for any sign of weakness. We can't let them find us vulnerable.  

If you can, please make a contribution of any amount today to help us raise $500,000 online by the FEC deadline on December 31st.

---------- Forwarded message from John Hickenlooper ----------

Folks -- I’ll make this quick. 

We’re about to close the books on the first full quarter of our campaign and will have to report not just how much we have raised, but how many folks have stepped up to chip in so far. 
Everyone, from the media pundits to our Republican opponent’s right-wing billionaire backers, will obsessively pore over this report to determine whether or not we’re in a strong position to win. 
Any sign of weakness could invite McConnell’s dark money network to ramp up their attacks on our campaign, and we cannot let that happen. 
Right now, we’re behind on our $500,000 year-end fundraising goal. But I am convinced we can catch up if folks like you step up before our report goes public in just a few days. That’s why I’m asking: 

I am very proud of the campaign we’re running. It’s full of so much life, passion, and courage -- and we’re ready to win this thing. When we file our report to the FEC, I want everyone to see that energy, too.
I hope I can count on you to step up today. Thanks in advance! 
— John