Friend, Herschel Walker and I wrapped up our first and only scheduled debate before Election Day.

I was thrilled to share my pro-Georgia record and show the voters just how different Walker and I are, but we have a problem: With experts at FiveThirtyEight saying that our race will determine Senate control, national Republicans have outspent us on the airwaves and poured more than $30 million into Walker’s campaign to defeat me.

That’s why we set a goal to raise $100,000 before midnight tonight to make sure we have enough critical resources to fight back against GOP spending and win this race – but at this make-or-break moment, we’re falling incredibly short.

We’re in the most important stretch of this entire campaign, friend. And if we don’t close this gap in time, we could put this seat, our entire Senate majority, and all of the progress we’ve made in jeopardy.

Unlike Walker, I refuse to take a cent from corporate PACs. From the very start, I’ve relied entirely on grassroots folks like you to power us to victory – so I have to urgently ask you in this important moment: Before the midnight deadline, will you split a donation between Debbie Stabenow and me to help hit our fundraising goal, win in Georgia, and keep the Senate blue?

$25 »
$50 »
$100 »
Other »

It means so much to have you by my side. Thank you.

– Rev. Warnock




Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.
Stabenow for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 4945
Lansing, MI 48826
United States


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