Raúl Torrez needs our help.

A new poll just came out in New Mexico’s Attorney General race, folks — and it shows my friend Raúl Torrez tied with his Republican opponent after a barrage of attacks from a national Republican super PAC.

There’s too much at stake — from reproductive rights to the future of our planet. We can’t lose ground this close to the election. But Raúl needs our help to pull ahead in the midst of these attack ads.

Will you split $10 or more between our campaigns so Raúl can defeat his opponent and stand up for New Mexicans as Attorney General? Your support will make a huge difference in this final stretch.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will immediately be split between Raúl Torrez and Martin Heinrich:

Raúl has the experience, knowledge, and vision to lead New Mexico through any challenges we face. He has a proven record of standing up for our environment, holding polluters accountable, making our communities safer, and protecting access to reproductive healthcare. He has my support, and I hope he has yours, too.

Please split a contribution of any amount between our campaigns to send Raúl to the Attorney General’s office >>

— Martin



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

Senator Martin Heinrich is committed to helping New Mexico become a leader in defense, tech, and energy with opportunities in every corner. If you would like to stay in touch but receive fewer emails from us, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from emails altogether, click here.

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PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States