Emerge is hard at work increasing REAL representation in our courts, by training the next generation of women judges to run for office and win.
I’m really proud of everything these women have accomplished so I wanted to take a moment and share their achievements with you (and also let you know what we’re doing to get more Emerge alums to join them!)
As I write this, Emerge has more than 60 alums currently serving in judgeships across the country, ranging from family and civil courts all the way to state supreme and federal district courts. These judges are hearing cases from voting rights, abortion rights, and health care to bail custody and rights for minors – and their perspectives are desperately needed to protect all our communities right now. But our work is far from over.
This November, we have more than 45 Emerge alums looking to join them – by running for more crucial judgeships across the nation. This pipeline of women judges is critical to our work of repowering our judicial system by adding sorely missed voices and insights to the bench at every level. So I’m excited to announce that we’re launching a new program to expand this work and elevate even more Emerge alums to serve in our courts!
The Judicial Candidate Training Program is our newest training focused on the unique campaigns and challenges judges face on the campaign trail. By tailoring our training to the judicial world, we’re preparing a new generation of judges to run for office, win their elections, and bring new representation to the legal system. Here are the details:
- In 2023, we’ll be piloting this program in partnership with Emerge Pennsylvania and Emerge Wisconsin.
This program will meet virtually, January 28-29 and February 4-5, 2023. You can learn more about the program here and apply here. The application deadline is January 5.
As Emerge continues our judicial candidate training work, we’ll look at expanding this program and don’t want you to miss out. If you’re interested in running for judge but don’t live in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, fill out this form and we’ll send you more details as we expand our training.
And if you would like to support this training and all the important work of Emerge across the country, you can donate here.
We can’t wait to share our newest class with you!
Ryanne Olsen