Last year, a blue wave swept across the country, and Democrats took control of all three branches of government in Connecticut.

This year, Republicans across the country responded to Democrats’ success by outraising us by millions of dollars.

Now: Democrats must gather the resources necessary to protect our hard-fought gains and then go even further in the 2020 elections.

Chip in $15 right now to help Democrats win in 2020.

John —

2019 is coming to a close, and that means we’re a few days away from our end-of-year fundraising deadline.

2020 will be the most consequential election year of our lifetimes, and we need to prepare for the challenges ahead.

The problem is, Donald Trump and national Republicans raised $125 million in the third quarter alone this year.

Regardless of their fundraising numbers, our team is determined to ensure that Democrats win in 2020 — but we need your help. We want to ensure that Democrats win all across the country, not just in Connecticut.

We need to raise $20,000 before the year ends to ensure that we don’t enter 2020 at a disadvantage. This money will go directly towards our organizing efforts for Democrats in 2020. Will you chip in to help us get there?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

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Thank you for your support!

— Connecticut Democrats